Thursday 1 September 2011

Another post enthusing about Zotero

Now and then We blather about Zotero, but that's because we love it so much. Here are two more reasons to love it.

1) Zotero 3.0 beta

Zotero 3.0 (beta) is now available to download. Unlike previous versions, Zotero 3.0 is standalone; it no longer runs in your browser and does not require Firefox. Hence if your objection to using Zotero was having to use Firefox as your browser, that objection no longer exists.

2) Zotfile.

Zotfile is a plugin for Zotero that allows you to automatically organise pdf (and other files). You can rename, move, and attach files to Zotero items by pressing a single button. Zotfile will work with both browser and standalone versions of Zotero. Zotfile is ideal for saving and associating with Zotero records files from the increasing number of sites that choose to embed PDFs in a web browser rather than offer a straightforward manual download (not the best sentence ever written, but you get the
idea, I hope). Not offering the choice of a manual download also prevents Zotero from capturing pdfs... hence Zotfile.

Serious bit: Zotero is an excellent tool for managing your assignment and dissertation bibliographies and it's free. Especially now that that it no longer requires Firefox, you should give it a try. To help you with this, we run occasional classes in Zotero. Keep an eye on the Library Classes page on the library website for their details.

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