Thursday 11 September 2008

Searching the Library Catalogue

There are two new search options in the library catalogue.

In the advanced search option of the Library Catalogue, you can now narrow your search by site. In the drop down box under 'field', by selecting 'site', you can look for material located at either Dame St. or Aungier St. By typing "DAM" in the 'site' field, you can restrict your search to material held in the Dame St. library. By typing 'AUN' in the 'site' field, you can restrict your search to material held in the Aungier St. library. Note that if material is held in both libraries, this will appear in your searh results, even if you have searched one location.

In addition, 'dissertation' has been added as a media type. This means you can restrict your search to theses and dissertations held in DBS libraries. For example type 'depression' (all fields) and dissertation (medium) to find all theses relating to depression. By adding 'AUN' (site), you will find all depression related dissertations held in the Aungier St. library.

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