Wednesday 16 September 2009

(Book) Relocation Relocation Relocation

In the immediate future, we are going to reorganise some of our Aungier St collection. Obviously we're not doing this to Mess With Your Head(s), but to use the space more efficiently and effectively. The upshot of the changes is that all books that can be borrowed will be on your right as you enter the library. Here are the changes in nicely digestible bullet point form:
  • There will be no more Restricted Access\Desk Reserve books. Instead these will be made reference only
  • Short Loan and 7-Day Loan books will be integrated into the main lending area.
  • The short-loan section will now house a beefed up reference collection
Thus, when you enter the library turn left for:
Self-Check stations
Bound Journals
Printing and Photocopying
Reference Books

Turn right for:
Standard short and 7 day loan material
(More) Computers
Current Journals

Thank you.

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