Monday, 25 August 2008

Changes to OPAC

The format of the DBS OPAC (Online Library Catalogue) has changed. Though it works in exactly the same way as before, a guide to the new OPAC will appear on the new library website.

Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Update from the Library

Those of you who have dropped into this section lately will notice, posts have been a little sparse...

Through the summer DBS Library staff have been busy working on a number of projects aimed at improving our services.
Foremost among these is the creation of a NEW LIBRARY WEBSITE. The new site is due to launch shortly and will bring all the library's contact information, guides, services and products together in one easily accessible location. Among the features of the new site will be;
  • An A-Z listing of all the library's subscribed journals (electronic & print) which will link directly to the online full text
  • A federated search facility which will allow students to search all the library's electronic resources simultaneously (library catalogue, databases, ebooks, ejournals)
  • Academic support tutorials including Podcasts and online guides

Keep an eye on the Library section in the student intranet or the Library blog for details of when the new site will launch.