Thursday, 30 July 2009

The wait is over - RFID express check out has arrived

Well the wait is over. As of 3pm today DBS Aungier Street Library is now Ireland's 1st fully RFID enabled academic* library.

All issuing and returning of items is now to be done using the express Check-in/Check-out machines. Once you have scanned your student card items to be borrowed or returned should be placed on the express machine pad, the items' RFID tags will be read automatically issuing or returning them to your account and desenstitizing or resensitizing them as appropriate - no need to scan individual barcodes.

Staff are on hand to demonstrate how to use the system and we will be running some promotional events when the new term begins but already students are issuing and returning items unaided and have been impressed by how quick and easy the new system is.

Right now there is just one Check-in/Check-out machine in place but we will have a second express machine installed within 2 weeks. A new demo video on how to use the RFID systems is also in the works.

Library staff would like to say a big thanks to all the students and staff of the college for your patience while we made the transition to the new RFID system.

So come in and try it out!

*Anyone who's used South Dublin County Library in Tallaght will know they are also fully RFID self check

Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Reminder - RFID Systems Installation Thursday July 30th

Just a follow up on my earlier post ...

Work will begin on installation of the new RFID self check systems and gates tomorrow (Thursday July 30th)

Students requiring a quiet study area while the installation work is in progress are invited to use the Dame st library or can avail of classroom AS 3.4 which has been booked for the day.

We hope to have everything in place by early next week - thanks again for bearing with us through the change.

Irish Lifestyles Reports now available on Mintel

Mintel's 'Irish Lifestyles' report is now available via DBS Library's Mintel subscription.

Irish Lifestyles examines the consumer landscape and provides economic forecast and commentary. The theme for 2009 reports is 'Restoring confidence in the Irish consumer'.

To access, login to Mintel (access via the 'search all resources button' on the home page, you will be promoted to authenticate with your student number if off campus).

Under 'My Reports' click 'show all reports in my subscription'

Then click on 'Irish Lifestyles' in the report list for access to all reports in the 'Irish Lifestyles' series

Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Bank Holiday Weekend Closure August 3rd

Due to the Bank Holiday

The Aungier St & Dame St Libraries will be


Monday August 3rd

Both libraries will re-open at 9.30 on Tuesday August 4th

The Aungier St building will remain open Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holiday Monday from 8 am until 6 pm should any students wish to use classrooms for study.

Enjoy the Bank Holiday Weekend all!

Friday, 24 July 2009

RFID installation - Disruption Thursday 30th July

Further to the earlier post about the RFID conversion project...I'm happy to report that the Aungier St. main library is now fully converted and we are ready to move on to installing the RFID systems.

So far the library stock conversion process has (hopefully) been fairly low impact and non intrusive. However, it seems you can't pull off an RFID conversion project without making a little bit of an impact - and next week marks the slightly disruptive point of the project!

On Thursday July 30th technicians will install our RFID detection system and our new R series self check units. This is likely to impinge on the usual serenity of the library as our current detection gates need to be removed and the RFID gates and new self check systems installed - in short, there may be some drilling (!).

We realize that there are some students preparing for exams & noise in the library is not really conducive to a relaxing exam preparation environment. However we wish to remain open to students throughout the installation process.

So, we are advising students who require quiet study areas to use the newly extended Dame st library - which should be a noise free safe haven!
Dame st library will be open until 5.15 on Thursday - Aungier st remains open until 10 and should be noise free again after 5.15.

In addition classroom AS 3.4 will be available on Thursday until 10pm

The installation process should be completed by Friday July 31st but as we are having the library computers upgraded on that date, Dame st and classroom 1.6 will be available to any students who wish to study there.

Thanks again for bearing with us through the transition process - we're nearly there!

Thursday, 23 July 2009

Repost: Free Books!

As summer is the season of repeats and as the last giveaway proved so popular:

Every year we weed our collection, to make room for all the new books acquired through the year and to remove old, out of date or damaged books. We do this both to make the most of library shelf space and to make sure that our collection remains as current and relevant as possible.

Most of these weeded books are earlier editions of core texts or supplementary titles on course reading lists for which we now have multiple copies of the most recent editions.

We dont have room for these books in our collections anymore but would like to give them a good home. So, we are giving them away for free to DBS students or staff. All you have to do to get your hands on some free books is come on up to the Aungier St. library, turn left this time, not right as this tranche of weeded books are on the desks near to the Short Loan Area issue desk and have a look at what's available and anything that takes your fancy, just stick it in you bag and take it home - simple as that.

Anything that remains unclaimed by the middle of August will be donated to charity or recycled.

Spread the word to classmates & colleagues - give a home to a poor unwanted library book!

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

WebFeat and off-campus access

There have been a couple of instances of users having problems off-campus with accessing WebFeat. They login with valid credentials and get a message saying "Access to this system from your IP address xx.xx.xx.xx has been denied". I've consulted WebFeat about this problem and received an unimpressive response:
After consulting with others in the Department, this appears to be a referring URL problem. The problem can be worked with by adjusting the security settings on the individual user's workstation (firewall/virus protection) or the institution changing to a different patron authentication method. The latter can be adjusted within the WebFeat Administration Console, Patron Authentication section.
I then asked them if they knew which settings were affected. Here's the (non)-response:
Unfortunately, I don't have that information. Internally, we have encountered this scenario in less than 1 percent of existing client cases. And we were not granted access to those settings in that 1 percent to maintain a log for other encounters. We have been unable to reproduce the problem internally.
So there you have it: there's an issue with security settings, but Webfeat themselves don't know what needs to be changed. Perhaps if you switch off your firewall if you have one switched on? You could also try changing web browsers. Perhaps dance around a yew tree at midnight? We'll look into this, indeed we are looking into this, on a number of fronts. Stay tuned

Repost: Moodle and exam papers: A gentle reminder

It's summertime, so here's a relevant repost in light of examinations coming up:

My spider sense is tingling. I'm not sure, but I think that there might be exams coming up. Ah, spring, summer and a young student's fancy turns to finding previous exam papers and pretty damn quickly too. If you're looking for previous exam papers, don't ask library staff, yet. Look on Moodle instead. Exams have a course category to themselves and are visible on the main page, the one that appears after you login. Scroll down and exams are at the bottom. Here's a hopefully helpful image Here's the link to the exams. You will have to login first, but once you do, you will go straight to the exams page. There are 7 different categories:

Postgraduate Arts
Professional School
School of English
Postgraduate Business Studies
Undergraduate Arts
Undergraduate Business

To activate your Moodle account, you will need to activate your mail account. To do that, go to Hotmail, enter your student number and date of birth and follow the prompts.

Most but not all recent exams are up there and more are being added all the time.

Good luck, again