Thursday, 17 February 2011

Search Pigeon

Say what you like about Google, but they do provide a plethora of useful tools. One such tool is the ability for interested parties to create custom search engines, search engines that search specific sites that you specify. The library utilises custom search engines, all lovingly created in-house, on its Subject Portals pages. Another example of a customised search engine, and the subject of this post, is Search Pigeon, which specifically searches peer reviewed, open access journals in the humanities (you can look elsewhere, for now, for definitions of "peer reviewed" and "open access journals", suffice to say that these are Good Things). You can search the whole collection or by various sub-disciplines. NB don't confuse Search Pigeon with Pigeon Search, which as the name suggests, is a list of pigeon related resources, and possibly of less interest to DBS students.

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Combat Poverty Agency Library

The Combat Poverty Agency (CPA) was established in 1986, and had four main functions: providing policy advice to government, project support and innovation, research and public education. In 2009, it ceased to exist as an autonomous entity and is currently part of the Social Inclusion Division within the Department of Community, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs. Of relevance to some DBS students is the CPA library, specialising, as perhaps you would expect, in social policy, poverty, social exclusion and community development. It is open to all and its services are free of charge. The library catalogue is searchable online if you want to have a look. If you want to visit, the library is located the first floor of the Department of Community, Equality & Gaeltacht Affairs, DĂșn Aimhirgin, 43-49 Mespil Road, Dublin 4 Email: Tel: 01 647 3207

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Fancy yourself as a critic?

Well, do you? It's possible on the library catalogue to write reviews and assign ratings to our catalogue records. If you've been waiting to tell DBS library catalogue users exactly why 'Exploring Corporate Strategy (Text and Cases)' is the best thing since sliced bread or why 'Starship Troopers' is the greatest film ever made, then see below as to how you can do it.

Friday, 4 February 2011

DBS Careers Fair - Internships, Volunteer and Work Abroad

Time: Thursday, March 3 · 11:00am - 4:00pm

Place: Dublin Business School, Castle House, Georges Street, Dublin 2

Internships, Volunteer and Work Abroad Fair for students & graduates. Meet with over 20 exhibitors from a variety of sectors. Be sure to bring along a copy of your CV if you are interested in an internship!

Library survey - Thank you / Winner of the €100 HMV voucher

Thank you very much to all of you for your feedback on the Library services at DBS.
The Library survey closed on January 31st and the winner of the draw for the HMV voucher is Mr. Simbarashe Emmanuel Matatu! Congratulations to Simbararshe and thank you again to all of you for your feedback: it is very important for us to receive your feedback in order to improve the Library services we provide you with.
A report on the Library findings will be published in this month newsletter, so stay tuned.
Have a good week-end!