Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Halloween - Bank holiday closure


For the October/Halloween bank holiday, please be aware that both libraries will be closed on Monday October 31st 2011.

DBS buildings will be open as follow:

Castle House:
Open Saturday 29th, Sunday 30th and Monday 31st 8:00 to 18:00

Aungier Street:
Open Saturday 29th 8:00 to 18:00 
Closed Sunday 30th and Monday 31st

Dame Street:
Open Saturday 29th 9:00 to 17:30
Closed Sunday 30th and Monday 31st

Balfe Street: 

Bow Lane: 

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Aungier St library closure

There's been a wee spot of rain in the last while.  This has caused some water damage to the Aungier St library.  Nothing major, but it has necessitated closure of the library while we clean up.  The Dame St. library remains open however.  Also, because there's been a wee bit of disruption to road and rail transport, we have changed the due date of all books due back today and yesterday to the 26th October

Update: We're open!

Monday, 10 October 2011

Classes for Springboard Students

In addition to the regularly scheduled library classes, which are thoroughly recommended to all our students, we will be running some special classes specifically aimed at our new Springboard students.  Classes will be run twice weekly every week on Mondays and Thursdays between 1 and 2pm.  The Monday class, Aungier Street Room 1.2 will deal with academic writing and referencing (we can't stress enough how important proper referencing is to your academic writing).  The Thursday class, in Castle House 2.2 will help you search for information online.

These classes are drop-in - no booking required.      

Dawsonera again

On-campus, students don't need to login to Dawsonera to see e-books.  You do however have to login to print, download or save to favourites.  Don't get confused with login details! Below is the login screen:

To login with an Athens account, click the link next to Athens users.  To login with a Shibboleth account, click the link next to Shibboleth users (there are no DBS Shibboleth accounts).  To login directly, students should enter their student number as their username and their date of birth in format dd/mm/yyyy (DO. NOT FORGET. THE. SLASHES) as their password.  Students should not enter their Athens accounts details here, as they won't work.  I will confuse you some more, another time  

Monday, 3 October 2011

Freud and PEP Archive

In the spirit of "Reduce Reuse Recycle!", here's a classic posting from 2009. 

   Here's a tip from Marie, our Acquistions librarian, on finding Freud
   standard editions in PEP Archive:

When I was looking for a volume of Freud’s standard edition on EBSCO recently I found a way to find all the chapters for a particular volume of Freud’s complete works together in one search. Just select the PEP Archive database on EBSCO and in the search box type the following:

BR “SE.***”
The BR stands for book records, the SE stands for standard edition, and then the number "***" is for the volume number so 002 for volume 2 and 010 for volume 10 and so on.

   Happy reading

Ah, as true today as it was then.