Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Science Direct on trial

We have another database trial on the go at the moment.  It's Science Direct, which provides access to journals and books published by Elsevier, who are a bigname in the publishing world.  It's also fair to say that Elsevier are very well known to librarian and researchers

Details are: 

SD College Edition Complete - Books
SD College Edition Complete - Journals

 trial start date: 23/09/2015
 trial end date:  22/10/2015

Please check your trial access by going to the following URL;

Access is available on campus, and theoretically you could try off-campus with your Athens account too.  Bear in mind that this is a particular subset of Science Direct - College Edition Complete, so I've no idea how much of the content is available to you, so I suggest you restrict any searching/browsing to Full-Text Access

Happy database browsing


Thursday, 17 September 2015

Library Tours

They say a picture paints a thousand words, so below, 1,000 words

New term hours

Our new academic year commences on 21/09/2015.  This entails longer library opening hours thus:

Monday - Thursday  09.00 -22.00
Friday - 09.00-17.15
Saturday 09.30-17.00

The best of luck to all of you in your studies this year.