Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Bow Lane/Sunday Opening

You've spoken and we've listened (it says here) . We will be opening the 3rd Floor of Bow Lane commencing 5th of December through Wednesday 21st December, Monday to Thursday until 9pm.  This will carry us through the examination period in which library use peaks. Aungier St Library (not the Hub) will also be open Sunday  December 11th and 18th  

Wednesday, 28 September 2016


Urkund is new to DBS this year.  It's designed to help you with your academic writing by checking for plagiarism.  You will need to know how to use Urkund to be able to submit assignments via Moodle.  The library will be running classes every Wednesday from 05/10 at 3.30pm in Aungier St 3.3.  This class will demonstrate the Urkund tool that allows students to submit drafts of their work and will also  show students how to read the Urkund report. Paraphrasing techniques to minimise incidents of plagiarism will also be outlined.

Interested?  Book here   

Friday, 16 September 2016

Term-time Opening Hours

They (whoever "they" are) say a picture paints a thousand words, so here's a picture.  Note that Friday opening is now until 9pm

Friday, 15 July 2016

Library Search Survey

If you have the time, we would appreciate taking 5 minutes to answer this survey about your use of library electronic resources, thanking you in advance

Database Survey

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

New online booking system going live soon!

We're pleased to say that we have LibCal,a new online booking system being tested right now and we intend to go live with on July 11th. This is our third attempt at online booking and the one with which I'm happiest. The best thing about it is that you use your Moodle login! Yes, no new login to remember. Stay tuned.

Thank you for staying tuned.

Book a room

Book a PC

You can find a guide to our new system here  

Use LibCal to book PCs and study rooms for week beginning July 11th and thereafter.

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Summer Opening Hours

Summer is upon us and you'll all go off to have good times elsewhere.  Not us, we're still here and these are our opening hours from Monday 16th May to Sunday 18th September

Have a good summer and we'll see you back here in September.  If you're not coming back, then all the best and we hope you'll think fondly of the library!

Thursday, 24 March 2016

DBS Building Easter opening

These are the building opening hours for the Easter weekend.

Aungier Street

Good Friday 25th & Saturday 26th  8am to 6pm 

Closed Sunday 27th & B/H Monday 28th
Castle House

Friday 25th – 8:00am to 10:00pm, 

Saturday 26th, Sunday 27th & B/H Monday 28th  8am to 6pm 

Note that the library is open 11am to 5pm on Friday and 9am to 5pm on Saturday

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Bow Lane/Friday Evenings

You've spoken and we've listened.  The library will be opening Bow Lane commencing 29th March for six weeks, Monday to Thursday until 10pm.  This will carry us through the examination period when library use peaks. We will also be open Friday evening until 9pm at AS Library for the same period. A part time library assistant will be on in Bow Lane for that six weeks

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

St. Patrick's Day closure

Image from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:St_Patrick's_Day.jpg

This is a public service announcement to announce that we (will be closed on Thursday 17th March, St. Patrick's Day. Please note that all buildings will be closed on March 17th.  Normal service will be resumed on Friday 18th March.  That is all