Thursday, 5 February 2009

Library changes

We are making a few changes to operational procedures in the Aungier St library. As you are aware, we have two desks. One desk, the main desk is an Information desk, and the other desk is for issuing and returning books. We are increasing the separation of function between the two desks, so that the main desk will be purely for information only. Thus:

  • All financial transactions will be done at the Issue Desk. That is, all fine payments, cash, and credit card, and all purchases of printing tokens will be done here. If you want to pay by phone, the number of the Issue Desk is 01 417 7594
  • The Restricted Access collection will be moved into the Short Loan section. As the Issue Desk will be manned permanently, we ask that any book you want to take from the short loan area be issued on your account first.
  • A colour printer will shortly be available to students. The printer that will be set up thus is the printer that currently resides behind the Information Desk. This printer will not be replaced. Therefore, there will be no more printing at the Information Desk. We're setting up a print station, next to our newspaper stand, where you can go to print exactly what you need in colour, and I say "exactly what you need in colour" because printing from the colour printer will cost 25 cent a sheet, even if you print in black and white. Only use the colour printer for pages that you want to print in colour.
We're not doing this because we hate you or anything, we're doing this because we think it will help provide a more efficient service to our patrons, i.e. you guys. Change sometimes needs a little time to adjust to, but please bear with us. Any feedback will be appreciated

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