Though the vast majority of DBS students have dispersed to Summer pastures, we are aware that some of our hardworking ACCA students still have exams in the pipeline.
Monday to Thursday the Aungier St and Dame St libraries alternate late opening until 8 PM as follows;
Monday - Dame St
Tuesday - Aungier St
Wednesday -Dame St
Thursday - Aungier St
Tuesday - Aungier St
Wednesday -Dame St
Thursday - Aungier St
Which brings us to Friday, when both AS & DS CLOSE AT 17:15
However, before you decry the possibility of studying on the street on Friday evenings...
to accomodate anyone requiring study space on Friday evenings we've arranged that a classroom be allocated for the duration of the summer.
Room AS 3.3
will be available from 17:15 until 21:00
every Friday evening until term time hours re-commence in Sept
will be available from 17:15 until 21:00
every Friday evening until term time hours re-commence in Sept
The Aungier St building closes at 21:30 on Friday evenings so we would ask that students availing of this study space ensure they have vacated the building by this time so security staff can lock up.
Are ACCA students allowed to use the Dame street library now?
That's definately new as I was told not to go near the place last December by library staff..
There is some confusion about ACCA usage of Dame St. During the summer there's no problem with ACCA students using Dame St. library, but during term time, it can get a bit awkward. Dame St. is a smaller library with fewer seats. Priority must be given to postgraduate students (there are some exams in December) hence the edict about not going near the place. Summer is far quieter in Dame St. (and Aungier St. too) so there's no problem then.
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