Friday, 2 October 2009

Freud Online

Here's a tip from Marie, our Acquistions librarian, on finding Freud standard editions in EBSCO online:

When I was looking for a volume of Freud’s standard edition on EBSCO recently I found a way to find all the chapters for a particular volume of Freud’s complete works together in one search. Just select the PEP Archive database on EBSCO and in the search box type the following:

BR “SE.***”
The BR stands for book records, the SE stands for standard edition, and then the number "***" is for the volume number so 002 for volume 2 and 010 for volume 10 and so on.

Happy reading


Anonymous said...

hmmm, I usually find something other than Freud when I search for ""... but maybe things are different over on your side of the pond... ;)

David Hughes said...

Freud would approve I'm sure :-)

D'oh! What was I thinking? I've slightly amended the post so not to raise the hopes of adolescent male North American web users ;-)