Wednesday, 11 November 2009

The mobile EBSCO

EBSCOHost databases (which include Academic Search & Business Source Complete, PEP Archive, PsycArticles and PsycInfo) are now available on your mobile phone. Point your phone at or
You will need a user name and password which can be obtained from library staff.
EBSCO Mobile includes basic and advanced searching, html and pdf full-text and search limiting. You can also email both articles and results. Javascript must be enabled on your phone for all this to work.
EBSCOhost Mobile has been tested on several devices and also underwent a Beta period that solicited customer feedback on many unique devices. Although, it has not been tested on all mobile devices available in the market it has been quality certified on the most popular smartphones including:

* BlackBerry
* Dell Axiom
* iPhone
* Palm 750

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