Monday, 20 December 2010

Student entrepreneur of the year award

DBS in association with First Ireland, are proud to announce that they are sponsoring the Student Entrepreneur of the Year Award 2011. If you want to win:
  • €1,500 in cash
  • mentoring from industry specialists (7 days)
  • Modern office and warehouse facilities (with no utility costs)
  • Access to ICT infrastructure
  • Use of board and meeting rooms
Then read on...

What you need to do is come with a business idea for a product or service aimed at the Irish market. Ideally though, your idea could be expanded to the UK and perhaps European markets. Your idea needs to be presented in the form of a business plan that doesn't exceed 5,000 words.

If you're interested, the closing date, by which all entries must be submitted, is 31st March. Further details can be found here.

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