Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Extended opening hours

To allow you to prepare and study for your exams, the two libraries will be open every day - Sundays and bank holidays included. So starting from the week of March 21st until the week ending May 14th, our opening hours will be as follow:

Aungier Street (01-4177572)
Monday to Thursday 9.00-22.00
Friday 9.00-21.00
Saturday 9.30-17.00
Sunday and Bank Holiday 11.00-17.00

Dame Street (01-4178745)
Monday to Thursday 9.30-22.00
Friday 9.30-21.00
Saturday 9.30-17.00
Sunday and Bank Holiday 11.00-17.00

The full list of Sundays and bank holidays is available on the library website here and in print in the libraries. Good luck with your studies and exams!

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