Wednesday, 11 May 2011

EBSCOHost ebook trial

We have an ebook trial on the go at the moment. Yes, it's an odd time of year for a trial, but that's out of our hands unfortunately. Anyway, EBSCO have branched out into e-books and so are offering access to a wide number of such books through their EBSCOHost platform. The trial can be accessed from any EBSCO database, from the link in the top right corner, cunningly entitled Netlibrary ebook trial (once it replaces the "Dublin Business School" text. To use an Internet acronym YMMV (Your mileage may vary); I don't know what's available; Gross's Themes, Issues and Debates in Psychology is there, but otherwise it's a bit of a lucky dip. The trial will run until July and should be available to you off-campus. Also as far as I can tell, a book can only be read online. If I discover otherwise, I'll let you know

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