Wednesday, 31 October 2012


No, it's not a typo, I meant Westlaws (plural).  Let me elaborate:

Westlaw UK:  We have purchased a subscription to this resource, which is like but contains UK law material.  A link for on-campus use is available from the e-library page of the library website.  It's also available through Athens. The good people of have seen fit to change its user interface - so it looks pretty much like Westlaw UK.  We have a very complicated way of ensuring that you can see this resource off-campus.  Currently it's available after logging into Moodle or Athens.  Because of the complicated nature of library stuff (please, don't ask), the old interface will still be available through Moodle for a while, but if you login to Athens and click the link, you'll be taken to the new interface.  The new interface is available on-campus through IP authentication.  

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