Tuesday, 27 November 2012

SPSS Session for Business Master Students

Lecturer Nicole Gross is running SPSS/stats sessions over the year and the schedule for the coming weeks (before Christmas) is as follows:
  1. SPSS / stats Beginners - Thursday 22nd November 2012 9.00-11.00AM - CH2.2
  2. SPSS / stats Beginners - Thursday 13th December 2012 9.00-11.00AM - CH2.2
  3. SPSS /stats Advanced - Thursday 6th December 2012  9.00-11.00AM CH2.2
  4. SPSS /stats Advanced - Thursday 13th December 2012 12.00-14.00 - CH2.1

There will be more sessions advertised in the new year and you can just turn up to the classroom at the time mentioned.

These are for Business Master students who are doing quantitative research (i.e. surveys/questionnaires).

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