Click here for the latest edition of the Library Newsletter.
In this edition of the newsletter:
- Lists of new titles available in the library from 1st October until 1st December this year.
- Marie O'Neill explores the research funds available to early researchers in all disciplines through the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST).
- DBS US Exchange Student Konark Patel gives us his impressions of his visit to Northern Ireland earlier this semester.
- Alex Kouker outlines how the Assignment Planner can help students manage their academic workloads more effectively.
- Marie O'Dwyer looks at the most borrowed books by student in DBS.
- Trevor Haugh picks an interesting case in EU Law available through our database Westlaw IE and explains how the "Missing Items Unit" works.
- Of more specific interest to librarians and students on the MSc in Information & Library Management might be the details of the annual conference next February 2015 of the A&SL group of the Library Association of Ireland.
- And the usual regular pieces to entertain and inform...
And with this newsletter we bid a fond farewell to Amye Quigley,, our newsletter editor for the past 3 years, who moves on to pastures new and more lucrative (but I bet not half as much fun).
All the best Amye - see you in the funny papers!