Friday, 19 September 2014

Check your reading list online

Apart from Athens (see previous post), the other big change this year is the introduction of LORLS.  What is LORLS? I metaphorically hear you ask.  Let me tell you; LORLS is an online repository of module reading lists.  What;'s the point of that?  I think will be the second question. Let me answer that too.   Online reading list software makes reading lists more manageable, and if they're more manageable, then they're easier to use and you can do more with them - for example, you can see availability of reading list items in the library, you can directly link to electronic versions of the texts (i.e ebook versions) or to journal articles.

In LORLS, we've arranged the modules hierarchically starting with course type

so if you're doing a Master's, click on Masters; if you're doing a diploma, click on Diploma.

Under course type, is the name of the course, so find your course, click on that and you should see all of the modules on your course.

Click on the module and the reading list should appear.  Simples!

We're still populating LORLS, so if you don't see a list, check again later.  If the list doesn't appear in the next couple of weeks, contact the library.

LORLS can be accessed directly on campus (link to follow) or through Moodle.




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