Monday, 23 March 2009

Exam Period Fines

As the bad cop library blogger (thanks Laura!), it's my sad duty to inform you that fines will be doubled during the forthcoming exam period, which, in DBS Library terms, extends from Monday 6th April to Friday 8th May. We don't do this because we hate you, honestly. We do this to encourage prompt return of books during a period of heavy demand for library books. Hence, if you want to hog books while cramming for exams you will pay the price. Specifically the price you will pay is:

€1.20 / day Main Lending Material
€1.20 / day Week Loan Material
€3 / day Short Loan Material
€1.20 / hour Restricted Access Material


To reiterate, we're not doing this for the hell of it, we're doing this to deter late return of library books during the period in which they are needed most. If it makes you feel a little better (probably not), all income generated by fines becomes part of the library budget and is therefore used to buy new books, DVDs and electronic resources.

Please also note the following:
No award will be issued from the College until all items on loan have been returned to the Library and all outstanding fines cleared.
It is the responsibility of all borrowers to ensure accounts are clear before the vacation period

Good luck with your exams.

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