Just about to hand in your thesis or due to finish a thesis in the next few months?
Thesis Ireland have launched a very competitively priced online thesis binding service which aims to take the legwork out of the final stage in getting all your hard work ready for submission.
Log on to ThesisIreland.ie and you can submit your thesis online, convert it to PDF format, select customization for the cover and pages, make a secure payment using PayPal, credit or laser card and ... best of all arrange to have the finished product couriered to you (or direct to the college) when it's ready. The only thing they dont do is proof read it for you...so make sure all that is done before you send off the final product. A general rule of thumb is to have your work completed a week (or more depending on word count) before the due date so you can do final proofing and editing. Then all you have to do is sit back, crack open a celebratory bottle of something bubbly and let the bound copy come back to you by courier - they will even send you a text message when your thesis has been dispatched with details of the tracking number.
This website looks ok, I used a similar service called www.mythesis.co.uk it was very efficient.
I agree with anonymous posting! www.mythesis.co.uk is an awesome service, fast, great quality, efficient and convenient. What more could you ask for? This web site seems to have copied mythesis.co.uk - but is it as good? Only time will tell!
Okay, that's enough advertising of that site.
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