Our ever-popular library classes return next week. Come along if you want to learn about essay writing, avoiding plagiarism, searching databases, referencing and macramé. I may be mistaken about the macramé though. The first class will be help on Wednesday 30th September. Ask at the Information Desk for its location (which is yet to be decided).
In following weeks, there will be two weekly classes held, (both starting at 5pm) one on a Monday aimed at non-business students and the other on a Wednesday is aimed at business students. Location yet to be decided. If they're being held in a classroom, I'll post the details here and the library website, else present yourselves at the information desk on the day.
hi there, just wondering if these classes take place any other days then a Monday or Wednesday, I work part time and I am unable to attend either of these :(
Unfortunately, there are no plans to have library classes on any day other than a Wednesday due to lack of classrooms and staff commitments elsewhere. If you can't make the Wednesday class, there are a number of guides here and on the library website in the library guides section that may help. If we run library classes at any other time, we'll signpost that in a number of places
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