When you access an EBSCO database you see a screen like this. On the top right, there is a 'Sign into MyEBSCOHOST' link.
The link is circled in red. Clicking on the link takes you to this screen:
your first name
your last name
an email address
a username name (to log into MyEBSCOHost)
a password (a minimum of five characters)
a secret question and
a secret answer.
Your username and password are between you and EBSCO, so it's they you have to contact if you forget your password (hence the need for an email address and secret question). There's other stuff you can do with an EBSCO profile: if you're logged in you can save and view your search history, set up em-mail alerts and share your folders with other EBSCO users.
I'd put links to the EBSCOHost pages into the images themselves, but each page comes with its own session ID - which of course expires after a certain amount of time.
More information available here.
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