Until the end of the year we are trialing the
Henry Stewart Talks Ltd. Marketing and Management Collection. This is a collection of over over 600 specially prepared audio-visual lectures, organised into 59 comprehensive series and delivered by a) principals, managers and advisors from the business world and b) leading academics. It makes available a wide range of detailed, practical knowledge on subjects as diverse as Change Management, Strategy as Practice, Organizational Behaviour, Business Ethics, Information Technology, Bargaining and Negotiations, Business Continuity and Risk Management, Data Mining, Branding and Product Specialisation in Hotels, Retail Marketing, Bayesian Analysis, Sport Marketing, Practical Pricing and Revenue Management, Pharmaceutical Marketing, Supply Chain Management and Export Marketing to name just a few series.
We've added each of the lectures to our catalogue,
so you can find details of all the talks here Alternatively to search for specific themes or topics, in the advanced search, find and tick 'E-Stream Recording' in the drop-down Media type menu and enter your terms in the the 'Search terms' box. The talks also come with printable slide handouts in PDF format.