Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Getting access to e-books: a gentle reminder

The library has purchased subscriptions to a number of e-books accessible through Dawsonera. In order to view books through Dawsonera, you need a username and password. We have tried to be super efficient and have created usernames and passwords for as many students as possible. You can perhaps save yourself a little time by checking to see if your account already exists. If it doesn't, we'll make one for you, but you may have to wait up to 24 hours before we reply to you. Suppose your name is Clark Kent. There are two rules we use for creating usernames: if your name is Clark Kent
1) Join together the first name and the last name, in lower case. Hence your username would be clarkkent OR
2) Join the first initial to the first name, in lower case. Hence your username would be ckent.

Your password is always your student number

If neither option works, contact myself or Laura Rooney-Ferris

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