Thursday, 23 October 2008

Website feature of the day

Electronic Reading Lists

Want to see the core text books on your course and the details of their availability in the library?
Where? Located under 'Library Resources' on the library website

Electronic reading lists on the library site link directly to the course code group of core titles on the library catalogue allowing you to see all titles on your modules’ reading list at once and their availability in the library.
The reading lists indicate the codes and titles for the module (ie PSH182/PH185 Introduction to philosophy). The module code or title can be used as a search term in the advanced search function on the library catalogue to return details of all the titles on that module and links to other module reading lists these titles are recommended on.

Further details on how to search for your reading lists through the library catalogue are detailed below in the Oct 17th post titled 'reading lists on the catalogue'

Note that not e-reading lists are not yet loaded for all modules, if you module is not there please advise the library or email with a copy of your reading list

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