Monday, 20 October 2008

Website of the day

Each day during website week we will recommend a website of the day within a specific subject area, hopefully covering the full range of subjects offered at DBS across the week.

To start off website week we're focusing on general reference sites, so there should be something here for everyone.

Todays website of the day is...

Internet Public Library
A useful reference site which acts as a complete library online covering everything from Dictionaries & encyclopaedias to subject specific collections and useful links and tips on searching the internet

Some other useful general reference sites are; (Columbia reference) - In addition to dictionaries and encyclodedias Bartleby also includes full text of classic fiction and verse as well as the famous Bartleby quotations section. - Searchable online Thesaurus.

Citation Styles Online - Guide to referencing and citation styles.

Intute virtual training suite - Online training to help you navigate and assess internet sources.

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